Terry-Thomas' Guest Book


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Sorry to bombard this excellent site, but I'm in a T-T frame of mind. This is a super clip with some classic T-T lines and the man at his most caddish. My dad had a great friend from his early banking days who was very much in the T-T mould - except his integrity was totally intact. Such a shame the T-T English type has now vitually disapperaed - but his films live on!

Bombard away as much as you like old sport! Thanks for your comments Ian - TTFN!
Classic clip from "School for Scoundrels" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkfT7p6kBE0 - "Hard Cheese!" for Ian Carmichael. TT the cad at his best.
Terry-Thomas was without doubt the finest comedic character actor to ever appear on stage or screen. Yes I have consiered all the others, but his charcterizations are so dead-on that one believes he isn't acting at all.

I truly miss him, especially now in the year of the one hundredth anniversary of his birth.

May his memory live for another hundred years.
I say, TT was a brick, and a damned fine talent. Miss the old buster dreadfully.

Never thought I'd say this, but the sun set on the British Empire the day he left us.

Best regards, and all that . . .
The Web-site is a positive shower..of delight; and a great memorial to a wonderful performer who looks better and better in comparison with the pygmies now classified as comedians.
So very pleased to have found this. My dearest chum and I have been great fans of Terry and he kindly bought me TT's biography a couple of years ago. It was from this that i found out the awful truth of Terry's last years.

On a happier note my chum mentioned is visiting us in the South of France this week and we will set aside a good session to watch our favourite School for Scoundrels over one or two glasses of wine. My 50th birthday is in a couple of years and I have already spoken with Terry's son with a view to booking his old island home (now a boutique hotel) for a whole bunch of mates , who are fans. So it will be a long weekend of blazers and cravats, hoots and japes. Missed but never forgotten!!
Wonderful to honour the best Cad of them all!
really pleased I found this site I have always been a fan of terry-thomas, he was great.
a king ,a legend, a very funny man. hard cheese sir...
I say, Jolly Good Show! Thank you for remembering and honouring the great T-T!!
Hi - I am definitely delighted to discover this. great job!
As a lfelong Terry-Thomas fan I just wanted to say thank you for a superb site dedicated to the man himself!
I bought some old writing paper and slipped in at the bottom was a thank you letter which may or may not have been written by TT. Well, rather is is written by a TT but whether it is the Bounder himself I have no idea, but he does mention a fan club, and touches upon sexuality. I don't want to discard this just in case it is the man himself and want it to find a good home. It is dated and has an address so I think that anyone in the know would be able to identify it.
Any suggestions?
A spiffing website,just finished reading Bounder.Was there no end to this mans talents?
A great tribute to a grand chap. I will only drink one bitter in my local, because it has his face on it and is called "Bounder" and I think of the great man when I have a pint.
Terry-Thomas, an absolute bounder, greatly missed!

Can anyone tell me where I can find the excerpt from the film 'Privates Progress' where Terry utters those immortal words "you're absolute Shower"?
What an extthawwwwwwdinry website. What will they think of next? Yes, well .... do keep up the worship. Marvellous. The old man would be positively exSTATic, don't y'think? Monumental.
Excellent old boy.... pip pip
An excellant website devoted to a true legend.
Thank you for gathering the information together for us T-T fans.
Keep up the good work

He was my role model growing up. The perfect scoundrel never bettered.
Lovely web site.May you rest in peace. TT gave me so much pleasure as a boy and still does as a very grown up man. Often have a g`n t in the Queens Arms near TT`s muse abode in Knightsbridge and toast his memory. Chin, chin and toodle pip.
'I say what a splendid web site' some hard work and dedication l am very proud to have become the honorary president. 'Good Show'
should have been James Bond in my view. " I say Dr. No your an absolute rotter, a positive shower" If Terry-thomas is in any scene he will always make it for me. Splendid.
I am looking for a TT movie called It's Your Move. He was a great actor and I am missing this movie in my collection.
I have TT,s Banjo ukelele that he played on the 25/7/1969 Liberace show and which is hangng on the studio wall in the radio Technical Hitch. TT had a barometer painted on the resonator at the back and hung it on the wall.
It plays well.
Terry-Thomas was a joy to watch. One of the true greats of British cinema!
Splendid site! not a single shower insight
I say....Good Show!!
excellent and informative site l look forward to more additions
great site and a legend well remembered
so funny ! we are staying in his old holiday home in devon for the 2009 new year.
Top notch!
I say, Good show...